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2191. Piecewise Linear Functions

Time limit: 3.0 second
Memory limit: 256 MB
Vadim is a big fan of piecewise linear functions. They have their limitations, and not every function can be represented as piecewise linear. Vadim will gladly tell you what they are.
A function is called piecewise linear if its graph can be represented as a polyline with N vertices. Specifically, it is defined by n pairs of numbers (x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (xN, yN), which are the coordinates of the vertices of the polyline. The condition must hold that
x1 < x2 < x3 < … < xN.
This set of points defines a function of one argument, whose value at xi is yi, and on the intervals between these points, it is linear. The domain of such a function is the segment [x1, xN].
Valya invented his own class of functions with one variable, which he called modular. A modular function consists of N terms, each of which has one of two forms: |ai · x + bi| or −|ai · x + bi|. Here, x is the variable, and ai and bi are the parameters of the function, while | … | denotes the absolute value. Thus, a modular function with N terms has the form
± |a1 x + b1| ± |a2 x + b2| ± … ± |aN x + bN|.
Vadim wanted to check whether modular functions are not worse than his favorite piecewise linear ones. He brought a piecewise linear function with N vertices. Now try to find a modular function with exactly N terms that is identically equal to the given piecewise linear function on the segment [x1, xN].


The first line contains an integer N — the number of vertices of the polyline (2 ≤ N ≤ 105).
Next, there are n lines, each containing two integers xi, yi — the coordinates of the next vertex (−105xi, yi ≤ 105).
It is guaranteed that the coordinates xi are strictly increasing, that is,
x1 < x2 < x3 < … < xN.


Output a single line containing the modular function with exactly N terms that is identically equal to the given piecewise linear function on the segment [x1, xN]. Follow the format shown in the examples.
The function should consist of N terms |ai x + bi|, separated by the signs + and - (codes 43 and 45). It is allowed to place a leading minus before the first term. Each term must be enclosed in two symbols | (code 124). Inside the term, there must be a sign + (or -, if bi is negative). The left operand consists of a real number ai and the variable x (code 120); the multiplication sign between them does not need to be written, it is implied. It is not allowed to omit ai or bi, even if ai = 1 or bi = 0; the left operand cannot be omitted if ai = 0.
There must be exactly N such terms. It is allowed to use terms that are identically equal to zero. They can be written as |0x+0|.
The size of the output file must not exceed 8 MB. The answer is considered correct if at any point in the segment [x1, xN], the value of your modular function differs from the value of the given piecewise linear function by no more than 0.01.


1 0
2 1
0 1
1 2
-1 1
0 -1
1 0


Illustration for the third example:
Problem illustration
Problem Author: Valentin Zuev, Vadim Barinov
Problem Source: Ural Regional Contest Qualifier 2022