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Чемпионат УрГУ 2002

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Соревнование завершено

G. Chernobyl’ Eagles

Ограничение времени: 1.0 секунды
Ограничение памяти: 64 МБ
Problem illustration
A Chernobyl’ eagle has several heads (for example, the eagle on the Russian National Emblem is a very typical one, having two heads; there exist Chernobyl’ eagles having twenty-six, one and even zero heads). As all eagles, Chernobyl’ eagles are very intelligent. Moreover, IQ of a Chernobyl’ eagle is exactly equal to the number of its heads. These eagles can also enormously enlarge their IQ, when they form a group for a brainstorm. IQ of a group of Chernobyl’ eagles equals to the product of IQ’s of eagles in the group. So for example, the IQ of a group, consisting of two 4-headed eagles and one 7-headed is 4*4*7=112. The question is, how large can be an IQ of a group of eagles with a given total amount of heads.

Исходные данные

There is one positive integer N in the input, N ≤ 3000 — the total number of heads of Chernobyl’ eagles in a group.


Your program should output a single number — a maximal IQ, which could have a group of Chernobyl’ eagles, with the total amount of heads equal to N.


исходные данныерезультат
Автор задачи: folklore, proposed by Leonid Volkov
Источник задачи: The Seventh Ural State University collegiate programming contest
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