Ivanushka the Fool lives at the planet of 0-level. It's very unpleasant
to live there. An awful climate, 80 hours working week, ugly girls… He, as well as every
inhabitant of his planet, dreams to get to a planet of N-th level. To the paradise.
At each of the i-th level planets there are several
hyperspace transfers to some of the (i+1)-st level planets (but there are no
reverse ways). Every transfer is guarded by a spirit. The spirits are
usually evil: they demand many galactic bank-notes for each transfer. You know, everyone wants to go to a higher level planet. And one has to pay for the pleasure. More than Ivanushka can even imagine. However, extraordinary situations like a lack of a labor-force at one of the higher level planets sometimes happen, and then the spirits - the guards of the transfers — become kind. Sometimes they give galactic bank-notes themselves if only someone goes to their planets.
In order to embody his dream of heavenly planet
Ivanushka has done two things. First of all,
he has borrowed a complete map of the Universe. It's written on the map
how much the spirits demand or give for a transfer from this or that planet to another one of the next higher level. Secondly, he has hired a staff of young talanted
programmers in order that they will help him to draw the way on the map from
his planet to the one of Nth level so that he would spend for the
spirits as little money or even earn as much as it is possible.
The first line contains an integer N
(0 < N < 30) — an amount of levels of the planets on Ivanushka's
map. Then follow N blocks of information that describe interlevel
transfers. More precisely, the ith informative block describes the
scheme of transfers from (i−1)-st level planets to the ones of
ith level. Those blocks are separated with a line that contains the
only symbol "*". Planets of each level are numbered with sequential positive
integers starting from 1. Each level contains not more than 30 planets. There
is the only planet of 0-level: the one that Ivanushka lives at. The first
line of a block contains a number Ki — an amount of planets
of the ith level. THen follow Ki lines — one for each
planet of the ith level. Every line consists of numbers of planets
separated with a space of the previous (i−1)st level that one can get
from them to the current planet, and the corresponding fees. A fee for each
transfer is an integer number from −32768 to 32767; a negative fee means that
the kind spirit is ready to pay for such a transfer. Each description line
is ended by zero.
should contain the only number — the minimal fee that Ivanushka
might pay for a transfer to some planet of the Nth level. The answer
may be negative: it means that Ivanushka will not only get to a heavenly
planet, but will earn some galactic bank-notes. It's known that there exists
if only one way from Ivanushka's planet to the one of Nth level.
input | output |
1 15 0
1 5 0
1 -5 2 10 0
1 3 0
2 40 0
1 1 2 5 3 -5 0
2 -19 3 -20 0
| -1
Problem Author: Leonid Volkov
Problem Source: USU Open Collegiate Programming Contest October'2002 Junior Session