As you know, Ravshan's and Jhamshud's team is now building one of the “Ural Guards” towers.
On a Skyscraper Builder's Day (yes, there is such a holiday) their foreman
bought his workers a pineapple as a present. Not an usual pineapple,
but a genetically modified one.
The builders wanted to divide the pineapple as fairly as they could. The
problem was pondered on for quite a long time, and eventually the men came
up with a solution.
They put the pineapple on its side, then used measuring tape and a circular saw
to cut the fruit into n flat discs of equal thickness. Ravshan (yes, that's you)
is recognized as the wisest one among the workers, so they made you give out the
pieces fairly to everyone in the group. You (that is, Ravshan, as you remember)
aren't born yesterday, so you told fellow builders that you will hand out the pieces
as soon as you determine the weight of each piece. But what an ill luck —
there are no scales in workers' toolboxes.
Nevertheless, it's known that GM-pineapples all have the
shape of ellipsoid of revolution. This particular pineapple is a centimeters
wide and b centimeters long (b > a), and 1 cubic centimeter
of a GM-pineapple weighs exactly 1 gram. You understood this knowledge is enough to
determine the weight of each piece.
The single line of input contains 3 decimal numbers: a and b —
width and length of the pineapple (in centimeters, measured exactly with slide gauge;
1 ≤ a < b ≤ 100), followed by n — number of pieces
(1 ≤ n ≤ 100).
Output the weight of each piece in grams with microgram precision, in
order of cutting.
Place each number on a separate line.
input | output |
15 20.5 8
| 103.773800
Problem Author: Denis Musin
Problem Source: The XIIth USU Programing Championship, October 6, 2007