back to boardCould you help me to find the mistake in my program? Posted by Daewoo 3 Jun 2004 19:42 const max=500000; var data:array[0..max]of byte; n:longint; mid,i:longint; p:integer; a,b,a1,b1:integer; begin fillchar(data,sizeof(data),0); read(n); mid:=n div 2; if odd(n) then p:=1 else p:=0; for i:=1 to mid do begin read(a,b); read(a1,b1); data[i]:=10*(a+b)+a1+b1; end; for i:=1 to p do begin read(a,b); data[mid+p]:=a+b; inc(data[mid],data[mid+p]div 10); data[mid+p]:=data[mid+p]mod 10; end; for i:=mid downto 1 do begin inc(data[i-1],data[i]div 100); data[i]:=data[i]mod 100; end; if data[0]<>0 then write(data[0]); for i:=1 to mid do if data[i]=0 then write('00') else write(data[i]); if p>0 then write(data[mid+p]); end. Re: Could you help me to find the mistake in my program? Could it be the limit? you've got 500000 but the program should work for 1000000; I don't know. I've got a limit excedeed. - I used a 1000000 array of integers - ; then I tryed to stack more digits into one integer but it seems that something is not working well. |