back to boardNeither geometrical nor brute-force solution can pass 2-nd test... I used the following formulas, but got WA. Why? t3 = tan(a2); t5 = tan(a1); t6 = r2*t5; t12 = r1*r1; t16 = r1*r2; t21 = t5*t5; t23 = t3*t3; t29 = r2*r2; t41 = t12 + 2.0*t12*t5*t3 + 2.0*t16 - 4.0*t16*t5*t3 + t12*t21*t23 + 2.0*r1*t21*t23*r2 + t29 + 2.0*t29*t5*t3 + t29*t21*t23 + 4.0*r1*t23*r2 + 4.0*r2*t21*r1; t42 = sqrt(t41); t46 = atan(1/(r1*t3+t6)*(-r1+r1*t5*t3-r2+t6*t3+t42)/2.0); Test(t46); t46 = atan(1/(r1*t3+t6)*(-r1+r1*t5*t3-r2+t6*t3-t42)/2.0); Test(t46); Edited by author 29.05.2004 00:49 |