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Обсуждение задачи 1262. Псевдоримское число

why i get WA in test #11 ?
Послано Stanica Andrei 31 мар 2004 14:04
Re: why i get WA in test #11 ? So did I!! Who can tell why?
Послано test 12 апр 2004 15:22
test on 11 is the first one length of N > 3
Послано test 12 апр 2004 15:32
if N = 10000 what should me output ?
Послано test 12 апр 2004 15:33
I think 10000 = MMMMMMMMMM
So I output 10...
Is this right?
Re: if N = 10000 what should me output ?
Послано Sandro 29 май 2004 19:52
No, you are wrong. The answer is 1, because all the numbers 10^k and 5*10^k are written in Pseudo-Romanian system with only 1 (maybe very unusual) digit.
Re: test on 11 is the first one length of N > 3
Послано Stupnikov Pavel 8 сен 2004 23:23
I can also say, that it is the first test in which N has more than 1000 digits ...