back to boardHelp! I cant get AC! what's wrong with my code???? Posted by abc 28 Jan 2003 06:22 /* 1093 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> void main(){ long double cx,cy,cz,nx,ny,nz,r; long double sx,sy,sz,vx,vy,vz; long double a,b,c,d,x,t1,t2,t,mx,my,mz; char hit; cin >>cx >> cy >> cz >>nx >>ny >>nz >>r >>sx >>sy >>sz >>vx >>vy >>vz;
a = nz * 5; b = nx * vx + ny * vy + nz * vz; c = nx * (cx - sx) + ny * (cy - sy) + nz * (cz - sz); /* at^2-bt+c=0 */ d = b * b - 4 * a * c; hit = 0; if(d >=0 ){ d = sqrtl(d); t1 = (b + d)/(a + a); t2 = (b - d)/(a + a); if( t1 >= 0){ t = t1; mx = sx + vx * t; my = sy + vy * t; mz = sz + vz * t - 5 * t * t; x = (mx-cx)*(mx-cx) + (my-cy)*(my-cy) + (mz-cz)*(mz-cz); if(x < r * r) hit = 1; } if(t2 >= 0){ t = t2; mx = sx + vx * t; my = sy + vy * t; mz = sz + vz * t - 5 * t * t; x = (mx-cx)*(mx-cx) + (my-cy)*(my-cy) + (mz-cz)*(mz-cz); if(x < r * r) hit = 1; } } if(hit) printf("HIT\n"); else printf("MISSED\n"); } Re: Help! I cant get AC! what's wrong with my code???? Posted by Kolio 7 May 2003 19:55 Maybe there is a problem with the exactness. try comareing with x < y - 1e-8 instead of x < y and x > y + 1e-8 instead of x > y |