back to boardTL.Thencks program DPP_AGAIN; var mass,stack:array[1..10001] of char; kol,ls,i:integer; res,comment,cont:boolean; function arithm:boolean; begin if ((ord(mass[i])>=48) and (ord(mass[i])<=57))or(mass[i]='/')or (mass [i]='*')or(mass[i]='+') or (mass[i]='-')or (mass[i]='(') or (mass[i] ='=') then arithm:=true else arithm:=false; end; begin { assign(input,'input.txt'); reset(input); assign(output,'output.txt'); rewrite(output);} fillchar(mass,sizeof(mass),#0); fillchar(stack,sizeof(stack),#0); kol:=0; ls:=0; res:=true; while not eof do begin while not eoln do begin inc(kol); read(mass[kol]); end; readln; end; i:=1; while i<=kol do begin if mass[i]='(' then begin {if begin of comment} if mass[i+1]='*' then begin i:=i+2; while (not ((mass[i]='*') and (mass[i+1]=')'))) and (i<=kol) do inc(i); if i>=kol+1 then res:=false else inc(i); end else {if begin of arithmetic expression} begin comment:=false; inc(i); stack[1]:='('; ls:=1; cont:=true; while cont do begin if (mass[i]='(') and (mass[i+1]='*') then begin comment:=true; inc(i); end; if not comment then begin if mass[i]='(' then begin inc(ls); stack[ls]:='('; end; if (mass[i]=')') then begin if stack[ls]='(' then dec(ls) else res:=false; end else if not arithm then res:=false; end; if (mass[i]=')') and (mass[i-1]='*') then comment:=false; if (i>=kol) then if (comment) or (ls>0) then res:=false; if (ls=0) or (i>=kol) then cont:=false else inc(i); end; end; end else if mass[i]=')' then res:=false; if not res then i:=kol; end; if res then writeln('YES') else writeln('NO'); end. |