вернуться в форумwhy it is wrong?(+) Послано Test4 17 ноя 2002 06:32 Program chernobyl; var n,e,i:longint; t:array[1..1000] of longint; function max(a,b:longint):longint; begin if a>b then max:=a else max:=b; end; function fa(i,j:integer):longint; begin if i<=j then fa:=t[i] else if i=1 then fa:=1 else if j=1 then fa:=i else fa:=1+max(fa((i-1) shr 1,j-1),fa(i shr 1,j)); end; Begin for i:=1 to 1000 do t[i]:=trunc(ln(i)/ln(2))+1; readln(n,e); while n<>0 do begin writeln(fa(e,n)); readln(n,e); end; End. Re: why it is wrong?(+) Your solution is wrong! Try for k=2, n=10. The result must be 4, your solution gives 5. If you can help me with 1222 (my WA solution is on a 1222 board), I will help you with 1223. Regards, Michael I can help you with 1222 Each eagle sould have 3 or 2 heads especialy 3 so the product is maximal #include <stdio.h> long int nr[2000]; int i,j,n,m,k; void main() { scanf("%d",&n); if (n<5) printf("%d",n); else { nr[0]=1; nr[1]=1; for (i=1;i<n/3;i++) { nr[1]*=3; for (j=2;j<=nr[0];j++) {nr[j]*=3;nr[j]+=nr[j-1]/10000;nr[j-1]%=10000;} if (nr[nr[0]]>9999) { nr[0]++; nr[nr[0]]=nr[nr[0]-1]/10000; nr[nr[0]-1]%=10000; } } if (n%3==0) { nr[1]*=3; for (j=2;j<=nr[0];j++) {nr[j]*=3;nr[j]+=nr[j-1]/10000;nr[j-1]%=10000;} if (nr[nr[0]]>9999) { nr[0]++; nr[nr[0]]=nr[nr[0]-1]/10000; nr[nr[0]-1]%=10000; } } if (n%3==1) { nr[1]*=4; for (j=2;j<=nr[0];j++) {nr[j]*=4;nr[j]+=nr[j-1]/10000;nr[j-1]%=10000;} if (nr[nr[0]]>9999) { nr[0]++; nr[nr[0]]=nr[nr[0]-1]/10000; nr[nr[0]-1]%=10000; } } if (n%3==2) { nr[1]*=6; for (j=2;j<=nr[0];j++) {nr[j]*=6;nr[j]+=nr[j-1]/10000;nr[j-1]%=10000;} if (nr[nr[0]]>9999) { nr[0]++; nr[nr[0]]=nr[nr[0]-1]/10000; nr[nr[0]-1]%=10000; } } printf("%d",nr[nr[0]]); for (i=nr[0]-1;i>0;i--) { printf("%d",(nr[i]/1000)%10); printf("%d",(nr[i]/100)%10); printf("%d",(nr[i]/10)%10); printf("%d",(nr[i]/1)%10); } } } Now you help me with 1223 I will help you with 1223 - send me your e-mail! PLEASE! Never SUBMIT solutions to the WEBBOARD!!! my email is medv@roller.ukma.kiev.ua Send me your e-mail, and I will send you the 1223 solution!!! Anyway, I knew the idea of solution for 1222, but I do not know what's wrong in my program!!! Thanks, Michael Re: I will help you with 1223 - send me your e-mail! Послано Oleg 21 дек 2002 20:44 AC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Re: why it is wrong?(+) Why it shows i am wrong at 2 100 my answer is 14 right is 16??? why?? |