(+)(See in)Can everyone give me your testdata(s) of ural1216? I have checked a lot, but I think if we put our testdatas(or ideas) together, the problem will be solved easily. I want to be the programm
Can everyone give me your testdata(s) of ural1216? I have checked a
lot, but I think if we put our testdatas(or ideas) together, the
problem will be solved easily. I want to be the programmer, and you
give me the datas, I test..again and again. Can you help me? If I get
ac, of course I will send my program to you all!!! My ideas you can
see at
http://acm.timus.ru/messages.asp?id=5753, my msn messager is
zhuzeyuan@hotmail.com, I'm a Chinese.