back to boardWhere I can find this problem's tests , Mr Admin ? I got CRASH , and I can't find my failed test . Please give me the tests if you can . Thank you My source : {$B-} CONST INP = '1067.in1'; OUT = '1067.out'; chk = '1067.ou1'; maxtro = 30001 ; maxk = 10 ; maxl = maxtro div maxk ; TYPE st1 = string[9] ; tdad = array[0..maxtro] of integer ; ar1 = array[0..maxtro div 10] of st1 ; VAR last,tro,n : integer; s : string ; rec : array[0..9] of ^ar1 ; dad : ^tdad ; PROCEDURE newvari ; var i : integer ; begin for i:=0 to maxk - 1 do begin new (rec[i] ) ; fillchar (rec[i]^,sizeof(rec[i]^),0) ; end ; new (dad) ; fillchar (dad^,sizeof(dad^),0) ; end ; PROCEDURE ReadInput; begin newvari; { assign (input,inp); reset(input); assign (output,out) ; rewrite (output) ;} readln ( n) ; end; PROCEDURE readbuf ; begin readln (s) ; while (s[length(s)] in [#10,#13] ) do delete(s,length(s),1) ; end ; PROCEDURE get (var dir : st1 ) ; begin dir:=''; while s[1] = '\' do delete (s,1,1) ; while (s[1] <> '\') and (s <> '') do begin dir:=dir + s[1] ; delete(s,1,1) ; end ; end ; FUNCTION recognize ( i: integer ) : boolean ; begin recognize:=false ; if last <> 0 then begin if dad^[i] = last then recognize:=true ; end else recognize:=true ; end ; FUNCTION getpos ( dir : st1 ) : integer ; var i,l,r,mid : integer ; begin getpos:=0 ; l:=1 ; r:=tro ; mid:=0 ; while l <= r do begin mid:= (l+r) div 2 ; if (rec[mid div maxl]^[mid mod maxl] = dir) then break ; if dir > rec[mid div maxl]^[mid mod maxl] then l:=mid+1 else r:=mid-1 ; end ; l:=mid ; if l = 0 then exit ; while (rec[l div maxl]^[l mod maxl] = dir) and (l > 0) do begin if recognize ( l ) then begin getpos:=l ; exit ; end ; dec (l) ; end ; l:=mid ; while (l <= tro) and (rec[l div maxl]^[l mod maxl] = dir) do begin if recognize ( l ) then begin getpos:=l ; exit ; end ; inc(l) ; end ; end ; FUNCTION findcache ( dir : st1 ) : integer ; var l,r,mid : integer ; begin l:=1 ; r:=tro ; while l <= r do begin mid := (l+r) div 2 ; if dir > rec[mid div maxl]^[mid mod maxl] then l:=mid+1 else r:=mid-1 ; end ; findcache:=(l+r) div 2 ; end ; FUNCTION newpos ( dir : st1 ) : integer ; var i,j : integer ; begin j:= findcache ( dir ) ; for i:=1 to tro do if dad^[i] > j then inc(dad^[i]) ; if last > j then inc (last) ; for i:=tro downto j+1 do begin rec[(i+1) div maxl]^[(i+1) mod maxl]:=rec[i div maxl]^[i mod maxl] ; dad^[i+1]:=dad^[i] ; end ; rec[(j+1) div maxl]^[(j+1) mod maxl]:=dir ; dad^[j+1]:=0 ; newpos:=j+1 ; inc (tro) ; end ; PROCEDURE makelink ( j : integer ) ; begin if last <> 0 then begin dad^[j]:=last ; end ; last:=j ; end ; PROCEDURE analys ; var dir : st1 ; j : integer ; begin
There's no test there , Mr. Admin There's just task there , no tests . If you have the tests , could you please show me ? Thanks . http://neerc.ifmo.ru/past/2000/ Posted by HuGang 9 Aug 2004 22:22 You can find everything there. Sorry to Mr. Admin. Edited by author 09.08.2004 22:23 |