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Обсуждение задачи 1036. Счастливые билеты

Help plz...How do you store the numbers?(+)
Послано Algorist 6 мар 2002 18:07
My idea is to solve it using DP of course. I have to use large
numbers for the result, unfortunately. Which means, that if I have an
50*500*sizeof(large num)
i'll have
25000*sizeof(large num)
large nums have about 100 digits, which is 100 bytes, so
25000*100=2500000=2 500 000 bytes, which is more than 1000K :(
If I use just recursion and do not store the results, I'll get time
limit exceeded.
My idea was to have the large numbers as
struct(=class=record) large {
 char* num;
 int size;
and allocate memory enough for each of the digits of every number.
The problem is that in C i have to use mallloc and realloc(I know I
can use new instead of malloc, but realloc is the real problem).
Realloc, however, doesn't work OK on my computer and on TIMUS, as I
have seen it :)) The strange fact is that if I trace the program, it
works fine, and if I run it -> it fails. I have the same problem on
another problem on timus, I do not remember which it was. Maybe
because I am allocating too much memory on too many pieces, which are
very small(a byte per time, about a million of times).

So, I help someone has read that,and that someone is going to help
1) What to use to solve the problem?
2) How can I solve the problem with realloc