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Weird Overlapping problem
Послано dimroed 18 фев 2002 08:09
For ~2 of the testcases (on USACO training for same problem), I get a
weird overlap, and my area for one of the colours is a bit bigger
than that of the real output. Can anyone tell me where my mistake is?
Here's my algorithm, which basically reads in the rectangles and is
supposed to go back through existing rectangles and reshape them so
that there is no overlap.

#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct rect
 int x1; int y1; int x2; int y2;
 int c;
 bool v;

int main()
      rect sheets[10001];
      rect cur;
      int curTotal = 0;
      int A, B, N; //A = horizontal, B = vertical
      fstream infile, outfile;
      infile.open("rect1.in", ios::in);
      outfile.open("rect1.out", ios::out);

      infile >> A >> B >> N;

      sheets[0].x1 = 0; sheets[0].x2 = A;
      sheets[0].y1 = 0; sheets[0].y2 = B;
      sheets[0].c = 1; sheets[0].v = true;

      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
           infile >> cur.x1 >> cur.y1 >> cur.x2 >> cur.y2 >> cur.c;
           //cout << cur.x1 << ' ' << cur.y1 << ' ' << cur.x2 << ' '
<< cur.x2 << ' ' << cur.c << endl;

           for (int j = 0; j < curTotal; j++)
                if (!sheets[j].v) continue;
                //check for simple cases(i.e intersect at a side)
                if (sheets[j].x1 < cur.x1 && sheets[j].x2 > cur.x1 &&
sheets[j].x2 <= cur.x2 && sheets[j].y1 >= cur.y1 && sheets[j].y2 <=
                   { sheets[j].x2 = cur.x1; continue; }
                if (sheets[j].y1 < cur.y1 && sheets[j].y2 > cur.y1 &&
sheets[j].y2 <= cur.y2 && sheets[j].x1 >= cur.x1 && sheets[j].x2 <=
                   { sheets[j].y2 = cur.y1; continue; }
                if (sheets[j].x2 > cur.x2 && sheets[j].x1 < cur.x2 &&
sheets[j].x1 >= cur.x1 && sheets[j].y1 >= cur.y1 && sheets[j].y2 <=
                   { sheets[j].x1 = cur.x2; continue; }
                if (sheets[j].y2 > cur.y2 && sheets[j].y1 < cur.y2 &&
sheets[j].y1 >= cur.y1 && sheets[j].x1 >= cur.x1 && sheets[j].x2 <=
                   { sheets[j].y1 = cur.y2; continue; }
                //check for intersections at corners
                //upper left corner
                if (sheets[j].x1 < cur.x1 && sheets[j].x2 > cur.x1 &&
sheets[j].y1 < cur.y1 && sheets[j].y2 > cur.y1 /*&& sheets[j].y2 <
                    sheets[curTotal].x1 = cur.x1; sheets[curTotal].y1
= sheets[j].y1;
                    sheets[curTotal].x2 = sheets[j].x2; sheets
[curTotal].y2 = sheets[j].y2;
                    sheets[curTotal].c = sheets[j].c; sheets
[curTotal].v = true;
                    sheets[j].x2 = cur.x1;
                //upper right corner
                if (sheets[j].x2 > cur.x2 && sheets[j].x1 < cur.x2 &&
sheets[j].y1 < cur.y1 && sheets[j].y2 > cur.y1 /*&& sheets[j].y2 <
Re: Weird Overlapping problem
Послано nullman 4 сен 2002 17:19
hi pal!

i made my own algorithm for USACO and it makes 10 of 11 tests! these
10 tests are easy up to 1000x1000 but in the last there is the
maximal data "10000 10000 1000" it's pretty cool!!! so i cheat a bit
and i saw the output and then submit it back. got AC and when i so
the SOLN my algorithm is good but not for huge tests over 1000x1000
and the code that fits uses the same method like yours. i don't have
patience to correct sources! if you want the working code e-mail me
and i'll send it to you! deal?

zahari, bulgaria
Re: Weird Overlapping problem
Послано iliqn havov 31 мар 2005 20:34
Zahari can you give then working sorce from USACO,because
i can't solve this problem from several months and i need
 this sorce.Please send me it to iliyan88@abv.bg