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Discussion of Problem 1100. Final Standings

Is N really < 150000?
Posted by Renato Baba 27 Dec 2001 22:07
Beginning of my AC program:

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 160000
int main() {

    int id[MAX];
    char score[MAX];
    int i, n, j;

I have tried '#define MAX 150000' and got Crash (Access Violation).
After raising to 200000, Memory Limit ;((. I think it really should
have worked with a 150000-element array.
Yes,off course.I've got accepted when setting maxn=150000.(Email:hyz12345678@163.com)
Posted by Huang Yizheng 28 Dec 2001 07:06
> Beginning of my AC program:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #define MAX 160000
> int main() {
>     int id[MAX];
>     char score[MAX];
>     int i, n, j;
> I have tried '#define MAX 150000' and got Crash (Access Violation).
> After raising to 200000, Memory Limit ;((. I think it really should
> have worked with a 150000-element array.
For n=149999 i got WA and for n=150000 AC at test 11
Posted by Dinu Adrian Florin 29 Apr 2004 17:37