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Discussion of Problem 1014. Product of Digits

I am sure that my solution is write, why isn't it accepted?
Posted by Flyer 27 Oct 2001 16:05
 I can explain, why my solution is write. My algorithm: to
divide by 9, then by 8, ... , and after that output it in
other order. May be tests aren't write?
Re: I am sure that my solution is write, why isn't it accepted?
Posted by Li, Yi 27 Oct 2001 16:55
Make sure if the input is 0, you should output 10!

>  I can explain, why my solution is write. My algorithm:
> divide by 9, then by 8, ... , and after that output it in
> other order. May be tests aren't write?
Re: I am sure that my solution is write, why isn't it accepted?
Posted by purplefish 30 May 2002 22:58
Thank you.