вернуться в форумNo subject Послано Lin 6 июл 2001 20:24 {Help!What's wrong with my problem?} Var Text : Array[1..10001] of Char; Long : Integer; D1,D2 : Integer; Now : Integer; Procedure Init; Var S : String; i : Integer; Begin Long := 0; Repeat Readln(S); For i := 1 to Length(S) do If S[i]<>#0 then Text[Long+i] := S[i]; Inc(Long,Length(S)); Until S=''; End; Procedure Main; Var i,j : Integer; P : Integer; Begin P := 0; Now := 0; Repeat Inc(P); If Text[P]+Text[P+1]='(*' then Begin Inc(D1); Now := 2; Inc(P); Continue; End; If Now=2 then If Text[P]+Text[P+1]='*)' then Begin Dec(D1); If D1=0 then Begin If D2<>0 then Now := 1 else Now := 0; End; Inc(P); Continue; End; If Now<2 then Begin If Text[P]='(' then Begin Inc(D2); Now := 1; Continue; End; If Text[P]=')' then Begin Dec(D2); If D2=0 then Now := 0; Continue; End; End; If Now=1 then If Not(Text[P] in ['(',')','0'..'9','+','- ','*','/','=']) then Begin Writeln('No'); Halt; End; If Now=0 then If Text[P]=')' then Begin Writeln('No'); Exit; End; Until P=Long; If (D1<>0) or (D2<>0) then Begin Writeln('No'); Exit; End; Writeln('Yes'); End; Begin Init; Main; End. |