back to boardHow come there are solutions that are 0.015 sec and less than 0.1 sec Posted by Sergey 18 Jan 2020 20:35 my solution is the following: start with least common multiple = 1 make char array of 1000 000 to track forbidden divisors let div be the divisor and ans the answer if ans == 1 make new lcm of the previous lcm and current divisor. if it is over 10^12 - fail. find all the divisors of div, check that they are not forbidden in the forbidden array if ans == 0 - check if lcm is divisible by the divisor and fail if it is.
complexitiy O(n * sqrt(1000000)) (sqrt from the "find all divisors) my solution gets 0.5 sec (using cin,cout with tie(null)) what is the solution that gets less than 0.1 sec? Is there any hint? Re: How come there are solutions that are 0.015 sec and less than 0.1 sec no need to find all divisors. u can just use lcm and mod operations. i can send you easy solution if u r still interested Re: How come there are solutions that are 0.015 sec and less than 0.1 sec need to pray to god for quick solutions #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #pragma GCC optimize(O3) #pragma comment(linker, "/stack:200000000") #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,sse4.1,sse4.2,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,avx2,tune=native") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("profile-values,profile-reorder-functions,tracer") #pragma GCC optimize("vpt") #pragma GCC optimize("rename-registers") #pragma GCC optimize("move-loop-invariants") #pragma GCC optimize("unswitch-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("function-sections") #pragma GCC optimize("data-sections") #pragma GCC optimize("branch-target-load-optimize") #pragma GCC optimize("branch-target-load-optimize2") #pragma GCC optimize("btr-bb-exclusive") #pragma GCC optimize("inline") #pragma GCC optimize("-fgcse") #pragma GCC optimize("-fgcse-lm") #pragma GCC optimize("-fipa-sra") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-pre") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-vrp") #pragma GCC optimize("-fpeephole2") #pragma GCC optimize("-ffast-math") #pragma GCC optimize("-fsched-spec") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-labels") #pragma GCC optimize("-fdevirtualize") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcaller-saves") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcrossjumping") #pragma GCC optimize("-fthread-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-freorder-blocks") #pragma GCC optimize("-fschedule-insns") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-tail-merge") #pragma GCC optimize("-fschedule-insns2") #pragma GCC optimize("-fstrict-aliasing") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcse-follow-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-fsched-interblock") #pragma GCC optimize("-fpartial-inlining") #pragma GCC optimize("no-stack-protector") #pragma GCC optimize("-freorder-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-findirect-inlining") #pragma GCC optimize("-fhoist-adjacent-loads") #pragma GCC optimize("-frerun-cse-after-loop") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-small-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-finline-small-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-switch-conversion") #pragma GCC optimize("-foptimize-sibling-calls") #pragma GCC optimize("-fexpensive-optimizations") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-functions-called-once") #pragma GCC optimize("-fdelete-null-pointer-checks") |