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Discussion of Problem 1785. Lost in Localization

What is wrong?
Posted by pimiento 23 Sep 2013 20:06
truth_table = {
    'few': lambda x: x > 0 and x < 5,
    'several': lambda x: x > 4 and x < 10,
    'pack': lambda x: x > 9 and x < 20,
    'lots': lambda x: x > 19 and x < 50,
    'horde': lambda x: x > 49 and x < 100,
    'throng': lambda x: x > 99 and x < 250,
    'swarm': lambda x: x > 249 and x < 500,
    'zounds': lambda x: x > 499 and x < 1000,
    'legion': lambda x: x > 999

def translate_count(count):
    for result, func in truth_table.items():
        if func(count):
            return result

translate_count(raw_input(u"Number: "))

Проверку локально проходит, может нужно не так обрабатывать входные параметры?
Re: What is wrong?
Posted by pimiento 24 Sep 2013 01:52
It's strange but it works for Python3 (with corrections for print and input).