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Обсуждение задачи 1925. О заслуге британских учёных

Does the last test taken into account for big bang??
Послано Anupam Ghosh, Wipro Technologies 27 окт 2012 16:26
the problem says " Moreover, they check only that the sum of all numbers entered since the last test matches the expected one." Thus should the new number entered in the test to check whether there is a big bang or not? If we have to take into account last input i.e. k value the the problem statement is incorrect. Please could someone explain this.
Re: Does the last test taken into account for big bang??
Послано Anupam Ghosh, Wipro Technologies 27 окт 2012 17:00
Finally AC! understood the problem now.
Re: Does the last test taken into account for big bang??
Послано Pegasus 9 янв 2013 20:34
I wa#4, plz explain the problem for me
Anupam Ghosh, Wipro Technologies писал(a) 27 октября 2012 17:00
Finally AC! understood the problem now.
Re: Does the last test taken into account for big bang??
Послано mr.sanatbek_94 22 мар 2015 20:24
Can you give explanation?, please!