back to boardProbable weak tests Consider the following test: 7 Wayne 2 Bruce Dick Bruce 1 Brown Dick 1 Grayson Brown 1 Gordon Grayson 1 Gordon Gordon 1 Stephanie Stephanie 1 Wayne Master Wayne is going to disguise as Batman and stop the Joker! I must prepare the Batmobile for his quest! My solution fails to print Stephanie as a person who received the tweet about the earthquake. My solution uses a shortest path algorithm and that is why it takes into consideration only the shortest tweet reaching Gordon(the tweet sent by Grayson). So Gordon will try to send the tweet that he received(on the path Wayne Dick Grayson) preappended with "RT @Grayson: "(which is 13 characters long), totalling 141 characters. So the algorithm concludes that Stephanie will receive no tweet. But if we take the path Wayne, Bruce, Brown to Gordon, Gordon will receive a longer tweet than on the other path, but Stephanie will receive a tweet totalling 140 characters so she will actually be notified by a tweet too, although my algo fails to notice this. I believe that there are great chances that other shortest path algos implemented by other users behave the same, so please try to consider improving the tests with a test similar with mine, Regards, Ciprian Edited by author 15.10.2012 00:16 Re: Probable weak tests Your test was added. Thank you. |