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Обсуждение задачи 1243. Развод семи гномов

Clearly, 0.015 is the new 0.001
Послано Bogatyr 8 окт 2012 23:38
It seems timing has changed since the earlier years on the server.   When the following program gets WA in 0.015, you know 0.001 is not possible any more:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  puts( "0" );

Too bad that those of us solving problems now don't get time rated on the same scale as those who came before.
Re: Clearly, 0.015 is the new 0.001
Послано Erop [USU] 9 окт 2012 01:04
But if your code work 0.5 now, in 2003 he worked more than 1 sec
Re: Clearly, 0.015 is the new 0.001
Послано Bogatyr 11 окт 2012 15:37
The fact that computers are faster today is not the point.    In fact, it makes the 0.015 vs. 0.001 difference even more crazy -- computers today are *not* 15 times slower than in 2003!    Obviously it is a difference in time measurement technique or a system difference that causes the measurements to differ.

When such a measurement difference occurs, all problems should be re-rated for time, it's impossible to compete for time rating on O(1) problems when the fastest possible measurement today for an empty program is 15 times greater than it used to be.