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Discussion of Problem 1100. Final Standings

Probably incomplete task
Posted by Roman Mikhailov 27 Sep 2012 17:34
I'm received WA1 using standart bubble-sort (without saving original order). My answer for  example task is correct (at least my solution coverred task conditions):

ex. answer | my answer
3 5        |3 5
26 4       |22 4
22 4       |26 4
16 3       |20 3
20 3       |16 3
1 2        |11 2
11 2       |1 2
7 1        |7 1

In example task sorted array has saved original order. Maybe it cause wrong answer 1?
At that case this important condition must be set in task.
Re: Probably incomplete task
Posted by Noob 27 Sep 2012 20:41
You are asked to write a program, which generates EXACTLY THE SAME final standings as old software

Edited by author 27.09.2012 20:41