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Discussion of Problem 1048. Superlong Sums

Java TLE#4
Posted by Ekaterina Chumbarova 28 Jul 2012 04:16
Could you please help me? Where is my mistake? I got Time Limit Exceeded on test 4.

Edited by author 28.07.2012 15:54
Re: Java TLE#4
Posted by Noob 28 Jul 2012 13:49
Don't use Scanner, it's very slow. Read FAQ to learn how to do fast input in Java.
Re: Java TLE#4
Posted by Ekaterina Chumbarova 28 Jul 2012 15:58
Oh, thank you so much for answering me so fast! You really helped me.
Re: Java TLE#4
Posted by KNIGHT0X300 9 Aug 2012 04:24
In addition you can use printwriter to print output faster which might help to reduce running time. :)