вернуться в форумBe carefull !!! WA2 is simple You must find the first team that may go final if q wil be q+1. You mustn't output the team after q th finalist. Example: 2012 6 3 SPBU ITMO # 1 (finalist) URAL SU # 1 (finalist) SPBU ITMO # 2 SARATOV SU # 3 (finalist) URAL SU # 2 (not finalist !!!) SPBU SU # 1 (answer) Edited by author 03.12.2011 13:18 Re: Be carefull !!! WA2 is simple Thanks! Re: Be carefull !!! WA2 is simple Edited by author 26.11.2019 02:40 Re: Be carefull !!! WA2 is simple And one more thing to look for - after the number is removed, make sure any white spaces are trimmed at the end. i.e. "SPBU SU " should be "SPBU SU" |