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Discussion of Problem 1820. Ural Steaks

C++ strange behavior
Posted by Ostrovski 12 Sep 2011 12:22
Why this code is working incorrectly:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int n, k;
    cin >> n >> k;

    if (k >= n)
        cout << 2;
        cout << 2*n/k + (2*n%k)? 1 : 0;
In test #13 (n == 7 && k ==3) this code give 6, but it`s wrong! Properly answer is 5... However on other tests with number less then 13 code is working good.
Separate output of values (2*n/k) and ((2*n%k)? 1 : 0) in test #13 gives results 4 and 2 correspondly. It`s very strange for me. Who can explain this behavior? Right here or in ICQ 303358. I will be very thankful =)

This code changing solves the problem:
int main()
    int n, k;  cin >> n >> k;
    if (k >= n){ cout << 2; return 0; }

    int add = 0;
    if (2*n%k) add++;

    cout << 2*n/k + add;

But methinks, that first code should working too.

P.P.S. Sorry for my English...
Re: C++ strange behavior
Just be careful with operator priorities. Your first code works as
(cout << 2*n/k + (2*n%k)) ? 1 : 0;
Wrap ternary operator with brackets, that is
cout << 2*n/k + ((2*n%k) ? 1 : 0);
and everything will be ok.
Re: C++ strange behavior
Posted by Ostrovski 13 Sep 2011 15:43
Thank you, comrade! I`m forgotten that ternary operator has one of the lowest operations priority. Now it`s all right!
Re: C++ strange behavior
Posted by TedEBear 20 Feb 2012 22:03
Another way is
given that a and b are doubles and cmath is included.