вернуться в форумWA13 PLEASE, give me some test Послано ANDREY 8 мар 2011 14:59 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {long n,m,a[1010],b[1010],c[1010],k,i,e,j,q; char t[1010][25],g[1010][25]; cin >> m; for (i=1;i<=m;i++){ cin >> a[i] >> t[0] >> t[i]; } cin >> n; for (i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin >> b[i] >> g[0] >> g[i]; } for (i=1;i<=n;i++)c[i]=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++){ for (j=1;j<=m;j++){ k=1; for (e=0;e<=21;e++){ if (g[i][e]!=t[j][e])k=0; } if (k==1)c[i]=j; } } a[0]=0; q=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++){ asd:; q++; if (a[c[i]]==0){goto lkj;} if (a[c[i]]>=b[i]){ a[c[i]]=a[c[i]]-b[i]; goto lkj; } if ((a[c[i]]<b[i])&&(i<n)){ b[i]=b[i+1]; b[i+1]=a[c[i]]; k=c[i]; c[i]=c[i+1]; c[i+1]=k; goto asd; } if ((a[c[i]]<b[i])&&(i==n)){ b[i]=a[c[i]]; goto lkj; } lkj:; } cout << q; cin >> i; return 0; } Re: WA13 PLEASE, give me some test Послано alp 13 мар 2011 00:11 check name "of" Re: WA13 PLEASE, give me some test you compare strings by the cycle k=1; for (e=0;e<=21;e++){ if (g[i][e]!=t[j][e])k=0; } if (k==1)c[i]=j; this will be correct if you init arrays char t[1010][25],g[1010][25]; to 0. And your program will take AC!!! |