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Discussion of Problem 1002. Phone Numbers

WA #10
Posted by AnTanTo 12 Nov 2009 23:29
I have WA#10.
I can't find my error.
Please, help!


namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            while (true)
                String Number = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                if (Number == "-1")
                SortedList<String, String> Dict = new SortedList<string, string>();
                Int32 DictSize = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());
                for (int i = 0; i < DictSize; i++)
                    String Val = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                    String Key = getPhoneByWord(Val);
                    if (!Dict.Keys.Contains(Key) && Key.Length > 0)
                        Dict.Add(Key, Val);
                if (Dict.Count == 0 || Number.Trim().Length == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No solution.");
                    LinkedList<Byte>[] WaweDict = GetWaweDict(Number, Dict);
                    LinkedList<Byte> Zero = new LinkedList<Byte>();
                    SortedList<Byte, Byte> RP = new SortedList<Byte, Byte>();
                    Console.WriteLine(RPtoOutput(WaweForward(Zero, RP, WaweDict, Convert.ToByte(Number.Length)), Dict, Convert.ToByte(Number.Length), Number).Trim());

        private static SortedList<String, String> replaceVata(SortedList<String, String> Input, String Number)
            SortedList<String, String> Dict = new SortedList<string,string>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> KVP in Input)
                if (Number.Contains(KVP.Key))
                    Dict.Add(KVP.Key, KVP.Value);
            return Dict;

        private static String getPhoneByWord(String Input)
            String Result = Input.Replace('i', '1');
            Result = Result.Replace('j', '1');
            Result = Result.Replace('a', '2');
            Result = Result.Replace('b', '2');
            Result = Result.Replace('c', '2');
            Result = Result.Replace('d', '3');
            Result = Result.Replace('e', '3');
            Result = Result.Replace('f', '3');
            Result = Result.Replace('g', '4');
            Result = Result.Replace('h', '4');
            Result = Result.Replace('k', '5');
            Result = Result.Replace('l', '5');
            Result = Result.Replace('m', '6');
            Result = Result.Replace('n', '6');
            Result = Result.Replace('p', '7');
            Result = Result.Replace('r', '7');
            Result = Result.Replace('s', '7');
            Result = Result.Replace('t', '8');
            Result = Result.Replace('u', '8');
            Result = Result.Replace('v', '8');
            Result = Result.Replace('w', '9');
            Result = Result.Replace('x', '9');
            Result = Result.Replace('y', '9');
            Result = Result.Replace('o', '0');
            Result = Result.Replace('q', '0');
            Result = Result.Replace('z', '0');
            return Result;

        private static LinkedList<Byte>[] GetWaweDict(String Number, SortedList<String, String> Dict)
            LinkedList<Byte>[] Result = new LinkedList<Byte>[Number.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < Result.Length; i++)
                Result[i] = new LinkedList<byte>();
            foreach (String Key in Dict.Keys)
                String NumTemp = Number;
                Int32 Ins = NumTemp.IndexOf(Key);
                while (Ins != -1)
                    if (!Result[Ins].Contains(Convert.ToByte(Ins + Key.Length)))
                        Result[Ins].AddLast(Convert.ToByte(Ins + Key.Length));
                    String Placebo = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < Key.Length; i++)
                        Placebo += " ";
                    NumTemp = NumTemp.Substring(0, Ins) + Placebo + NumTemp.Substring(Ins + Key.Length, NumTemp.Length - Ins - Key.Length);
                    Ins = NumTemp.IndexOf(Key);
            return Result;

        private static SortedList<Byte, Byte> WaweForward(LinkedList<Byte> Starts, SortedList<Byte, Byte> RP, LinkedList<Byte>[] WaweDict, Byte LenPlus1)
            Boolean Drop = true;;
            LinkedList<Byte> RecurseInp = new LinkedList<byte>();
            foreach (Byte Start in Starts)
                foreach (Byte End in WaweDict[Start])
                    if (!RecurseInp.Contains(End))

                    if (!RP.ContainsKey(End))
                        Drop = false;
                        RP.Add(End, Start);
            if (Drop)
                return new SortedList<byte,byte>();
                if (RP.ContainsKey(LenPlus1))
                    return RP;
                    return WaweForward(RecurseInp, RP, WaweDict, LenPlus1);

        private static String RPtoOutput(SortedList<Byte, Byte> RP, SortedList<String, String> Dict,Byte LenPlus1,String Number)
            if (LenPlus1 > 0)
                if (RP.ContainsKey(LenPlus1))
                    return RPtoOutput(RP, Dict, RP[LenPlus1], Number) + " " + Dict[Number.Substring(RP[LenPlus1], LenPlus1 - RP[LenPlus1])];
                    return "No solution.";
                return "";
Re: WA #10
Posted by AnTanTo 15 Nov 2009 22:36
Sorry, unactual.
AC =)