back to boardsample why my answer is 52.14? Re: sample my code is: program titanic; uses math; const r=3437.5; var s:char; a,b,c,x,y,z,d,e,u,v,w:extended; begin assign(input,'titanic.in'); assign(output,'titanic.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); readln; readln; readln; read(s); while s<>'^' do begin a:=a*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s); while s<>chr(39) do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; a:=a+z/60; z:=0; read(s); while s<>'"' do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s,s); a:=a+z/3600; if s='S' then a:=-a; readln; read(s,s,s,s,s); while s<>'^' do begin b:=b*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s); z:=0; while s<>chr(39) do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; b:=b+z/60; z:=0; read(s); while s<>'"' do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s,s); b:=b+z/3600; if s='W' then b:=-b; readln; readln; read(s); while s<>'^' do begin x:=x*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s); z:=0; while s<>chr(39) do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; x:=x+z/60; z:=0; read(s); while s<>'"' do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s,s); x:=x+z/3600; if s='S' then x:=-x; readln; read(s,s,s,s,s); while s<>'^' do begin y:=y*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s); z:=0; while s<>chr(39) do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; y:=y+z/60; z:=0; read(s); while s<>'"' do begin z:=z*10+ord(s)-48; read(s); end; read(s,s); y:=y+z/3600; if s='W' then y:=-y; c:=sin(a); z:=cos(a); d:=z*cos(b); e:=z*sin(b); u:=sin(x); z:=cos(x); v:=z*cos(y); w:=z*sin(y); z:=c*u+d*v+e*w; z:=r*pi*arccos(z)/180; writeln('The distance to the iceberg: ',z:0:8,' miles.'); if z<99.995 then writeln('DANGER!'); end. |