вернуться в форумBruteforce on C# Can some body help me to optimize my C# solution? I have TL 10 (it works approximately 0.8s if N=30000). PLEASE, DO NOT OFFER TO USE THE PERIOD OF THE IMPLEMENTED FUNCTION! Here is my code: using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; #if (!ONLINE_JUDGE) using System.IO; #endif namespace _295__acm.timus.ru_ { class InfinumNumber { public const int Base = 10000; public static InfinumNumber Zero = new InfinumNumber(0); public static InfinumNumber PlusOne = new InfinumNumber(1); private LinkedList<int> value; public int Length { get { return value.Count; } } private static void MoveForward(ref LinkedListNode<int> k) { if (k.Next == null) k.List.AddLast(0); k = k.Next; } public InfinumNumber() { value = new LinkedList<int>(); } public InfinumNumber(int value) { this.value = new LinkedList<int>(); this.value.AddLast(value % Base); value /= Base; if (value != 0) { this.value.AddLast(value % Base); value /= Base; } if (value != 0) this.value.AddLast(value); } public static InfinumNumber operator +(InfinumNumber a, InfinumNumber b) { int modulo = 0; int length = Math.Min(a.Length, b.Length); InfinumNumber rezult = new InfinumNumber(); LinkedListNode<int> i = a.value.First; LinkedListNode<int> j = b.value.First; for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { int current = i.Value + j.Value + modulo; modulo = 1; if (current > Base) current -= Base; else modulo = 0; rezult.value.AddLast(current); i = i.Next; j = j.Next; } if (modulo > 0) rezult.value.AddLast(modulo); if (length < b.Length) i = j; while (i != null) { if (modulo > 0) { rezult.value.Last.Value += i.Value; modulo = 0; } else rezult.value.AddLast(i.Value); i = i.Next; } return rezult; } public static InfinumNumber operator *(InfinumNumber a, InfinumNumber b) { int modulo = 0; InfinumNumber rezult = new InfinumNumber(0); LinkedListNode<int> i = a.value.First, j = b.value.First; LinkedListNode<int> k, k0 = rezult.value.First; for (i = b.value.First; i != null; i = i.Next) { k = k0; modulo = 0; for (j = a.value.First; j != null; j = j.Next) { k.Value += j.Value * i.Value + modulo; modulo = k.Value / Base; k.Value %= Base; MoveForward(ref k); } k.Value += modulo; MoveForward(ref k0); } while (rezult.Length > 1 && rezult.value.Last.Value == 0) rezult.value.RemoveLast(); return rezult; } public int Zeros() { int results = 0; for (LinkedListNode<int> t = this.value.First; t != null; t = t.Next) { int value = t.Value; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (value % 10 == 0) results++; else return results; value /= 10; } } return results; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { #if (!ONLINE_JUDGE) Console.SetIn(new StreamReader(@"..\..\input.txt")); Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(@"..\..\output.txt")); #endif int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); InfinumNumber pow2 = new InfinumNumber(1), pow3 = new InfinumNumber(1), t2 = new InfinumNumber(2), t3 = new InfinumNumber(3); for (int i = n; i > 0; i = (i >> 1)) { if ((i & 1) == 1) { pow2 *= t2; pow3 *= t3; } t2 = t2 * t2; t3 = t3 * t3; } Console.WriteLine((pow2 * (pow2 + InfinumNumber.PlusOne) + InfinumNumber.PlusOne + pow3).Zeros()); #if (!ONLINE_JUDGE) Console.Out.Flush(); #endif } } } Re: Bruteforce on C# F**** disgrace. What a code. Mine has 10 lines and i spent bout 40 seconds to type it lol |