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Обсуждение задачи 1148. Building Towers

Java MLE
Послано DWED 13 авг 2008 16:36
Is it possible to solve this problem in Java without MLE?

If we use HashMap<Integer,Long> as "cache" we get 287k entries in worst case. Even if ww think about raw data (no objects, no overlap) - it is 3.4Mb

Still thinking how to avoid "full-sized" caching (h X m+h X n).
Re: Java MLE
Послано DWED 15 авг 2008 03:07
Finally I solved this problem in Java =)
To reduce cache size I used fact that for any N >= Nmax we get f(N,M,H)=const. As analys of cache has shown - it is about 85% of entries. So I built 3 tables - Nmin, Nmax and F.

After that i has maximum 56k entries. But that was also too much for system (huh, i tested on my machine - it got used slightly less than 4Mb...)

I read discussions about this problem and used one hint - we can cache, for example, only even levels. As for performance - it is just 2 times slower... but it gets 2 times less memory... Exactly what we need =)

Good luck.