back to boardWhat's wrong? I get WA in 1 test, why? This solution right at the least for N from 4 to 16. var q, w, r, e : integer; begin readln( r); e := r mod 12; if (e = 8) or (e = 9) or (e = 3) then begin w := 6; for q := 1 to r div 2 do begin if w > r then w := 2; writeln( q, ' ', w); inc( w, 2) end; end else begin w := 2; for q := 1 to r div 2 do begin writeln( q, ' ', w); inc( w, 2) end end; w := 1; for q := (r div 2) + 1 to r do begin writeln( q, ' ', w); inc( w, 2); end end. Edited by author 02.04.2007 13:30 Re: What's wrong? First test is 8. your output: 1 6 2 8 3 2 4 4 5 1 6 3 7 5 8 7 Look: 000000+0 0000+000 00+00000 +0000000 000+0000 0+000000 0000000+ 00000+00 8 7 and 3 2 placed on one 45 degrees line (diagonal). Result: wrong answer. Good luck! |