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Обсуждение задачи 1077. Travelling Tours

I know the agorithm, but who can prove it?
Послано StarForever 11 янв 2007 06:49
let N be the node num of the graph.
so why the maximum cycle number is M-N+1?
where M is the edge num.

Re: I know the agorithm, but who can prove it?
Послано StarForever 11 янв 2007 08:09
o, sorry, I made a mistake...
Re: I know the agorithm, but who can prove it?
Послано Archit 11 янв 2007 11:30
is ur problem solved
Re: I know the agorithm, but who can prove it?
Послано Vedernikoff Sergey 11 янв 2007 14:59
The correct formula is M-N+K, where K is the number of connected components of given graph. Why is not the question, if you know algo of building all these cycles...
Re: I know the agorithm, but who can prove it?
Послано Chmel_Tolstiy 15 апр 2008 00:38
Great hint. Thanks.
Re: I know the agorithm, but who can prove it?
Послано Tom 13 окт 2022 14:57

Edited by author 13.10.2022 15:00

Edited by author 13.10.2022 15:00