вернуться в форумHelp Why WA //1073 #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; unsigned long mn; bool fine; unsigned long sch(unsigned long n,unsigned long stpos,unsigned long time) { if ((fine==true)&&(time==mn-1)){ return(1); }else{ n=n-stpos*stpos; if (n==0) { fine=true; return(1); }else{ if (n<(stpos*stpos)) { stpos=int(floor(sqrt((long double)n))); } unsigned long submn,i,tmp; submn=sch(n,stpos,time+1); for (i=stpos-1;i>0;i--) { tmp=sch(n,i,time+1); if (tmp<submn) { submn=tmp; } } return(submn+1); } } } int main (void) { unsigned long n,rtfn; cin>>n; if (n==0) { cout<<0; return 0; }else{ fine=0; rtfn=int(floor(sqrt((long double)n))); cout<<sch(n,rtfn,0); } } Re: Help Why WA I think some tests for you will be good; for N=50000 answer is 2(explanation 1 piece 200*200 and the other 100*100) N=0 0; N=1 1 |