back to boardWhy WA 5? Is there some special case which I could've missed ? int pre[8]={4123,1324,1234,1324,1243,2413,2134,4123};
LL solve(LL n) { if (n/10000==0) return 4123;
int k,j,i,p,b[5]={0}; LL m=0; LL res=10000; while (true) { p=n%10; n/=10;
if (p==0) b[0]++; else if (p==1 && !b[1]) b[1]=1; else if (p==2 && !b[2]) b[2]=1; else if (p==3 && !b[3]) b[3]=1; else if (p==4 && !b[4]) b[4]=1; else { m+=p*res; res*=10; } if(n==0) break; }
if (m==0) { i=-1; res=1; for (j=1;j<=b[0];j++) res*=(LL)10; while (true) { i++; if ((pre[i]*res)%7==0) break; } return pre[i]*res; } else if(b[0]>0) { for (i=0;i<b[0];i++) { m*=(LL)10; res*=(LL)10; } k=m%7; return m+pre[7-k]; }
else { k=m%7; m+=pre[7-k]; return m; } } where LL is unsigned long long. Can give me some tests if possible Edited by author 19.07.2006 14:18 Re: Why WA 5? Is there some special case which I could've missed ? Posted by fredAC 10 Sep 2009 20:15 wa too,trace my code remainder[7-((a%7)*4)%7],so when a%7 ==0; the remainder[7] is uninitilized, |