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Обсуждение задачи 1019. Перекрашивание прямой

How do you use segment trees to solve this in O(n*logn)
Послано Deliverance 27 мар 2006 18:14
I usually use segment trees or interval trees to update on a given intrerval say [ 1 , N ] and need maximum 2^K memory where 2^K>2*N-1, but in this case the interval in which we would want updates is too big 10^9 and that's a definetely NO for a segment tree with 2^30 nodes!!!
So can you please give me some hints on how to solve this in O(n*logn) with or without using a segment tree, please :)
Re: How do you use segment trees to solve this in O(n*logn)
Послано Falin.Lov 31 мар 2006 12:41
First do the separate ,then the memoty will be just 2*2*N.
Remember there are just 10000 numbers.
sorry for my poor English.
Re: How do you use segment trees to solve this in O(n*logn)
Послано TheBeet 16 авг 2006 09:30
I got AC in 0.015s
My solution is O(n*logn)
I just use a Heap.