back to boardPlease could you look at my prog please. Posted by Nurbek 15 Jan 2006 00:14 I've solved this problem but still have WA on test 3. Could you give me this test or find my mistake plz. var l,k,j:integer; d,d1,d2,m,b:real; t:boolean; x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2:integer; label con; begin read(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y,l); if (((x>=x1)and(x<=x2))or((y>=y1)and(y<=y2)))or (((x<=x1)and(x>=x2))or((y<=y1)and(y>=y2))) then begin if x2-x1>0 then m:=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) else m:=0; b:=y1-m*x1; if y=m*x+b then begin d:=0; goto con;end; if ((m=0)and(y1=y2))or((m=0)and(x1=x2)) then begin if y1=y2 then d:=abs(y1-y); if x1=x2 then d:=abs(x1-x); end else d:=abs(m*x+b-y)/sqrt(m*m); con:if d-l>0 then writeln((d-l):0:2) else writeln((1.00-1.00):0:2); d1:=sqrt(sqr(x-x1)+sqr(y-y1)); d2:=sqrt(sqr(x-x2)+sqr(y-y2)); if (d1>=d2)and(d1-l>=0) then begin writeln((d1-l):0:2); t:=true;end; if (d2>d1)and(d2-l>0) then begin writeln((d2-l):0:2); t:=true;end; if t=false then write((1.00-1.00):0:2); t:=false; halt; end; d1:=sqrt(sqr(x-x1)+sqr(y-y1)); d2:=sqrt(sqr(x-x2)+sqr(y-y2)); if (d1>=d2)and(d2-l>=0) then writeln((d2-l):0:2); if (d1<d2)and(d1-l>0) then writeln((d1-l):0:2); if (d1>=d2)and(d1-l>=0) then writeln((d1-l):0:2) ; if (d1<d2)and(d2-l>0) then writeln((d2-l):0:2) ; end. |