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Обсуждение задачи 1392. Тяга к звёздам

Help, Please! I can't understand why WA! (+)
Послано Victor Barinov (TNU) 25 сен 2005 16:30
I have WA on test #2. Why? Here it is my code:

[It is was code here]

My mistake was a stupied missprint ;)

Edited by author 26.09.2005 14:31
Re: Help, Please! I can't understand why WA! (+)
Послано Burunduk1 26 сен 2005 04:26
I tried to submit your code... And I've got AC :)

Your code:
for (k = j; k < n; ++k) if (Component[k] == t)

Right code:
for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) if (Component[k] == t)

So if your change only one symbol you'll also get AC :)
Re: Help, Please! I can't understand why WA! (+)
Послано WinTokk 26 сен 2005 13:48
Well, please delete the code:)
And what a simple problem!!
Re: Help, Please! I can't understand why WA! (+)
Послано Victor Barinov (TNU) 26 сен 2005 14:33
Thank you!
Can you give a test for WA2?
Послано George_Aloyan[PTS Obninsk] 23 ноя 2011 18:36
Well... I idin't see any mistakes, but there are some, as I got WA2. So Can you give a test?