вернуться в форумWA on test 13 too :( the testcases which have been given for a similar question work properly. here's the code: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; double eps=0.00000001; inline double dist(double x, double y) { return sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)); } int main() { double xs[100], ys[100]; int N; cin >> N; double R, r; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { cin >> xs[i] >> ys[i]; } cin >> R >> r; R-=r; if(R+eps<0) {cout << "0" << endl; return 0;} else if(R<eps) {cout << "1" << endl; return 0;} int answer=1; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { for(int j=i+1; j<N; j++) { int count=1; double stheta=dist(xs[i]-xs[j], ys[i]-ys[j])/(2*R); //cout << "tt: " << i << " " << j << " " << stheta << endl; if(stheta<=1) { count++; for(int k=0; k<N; k++) { if(k!=i && k!=j) { double tt=(xs[k]-xs[i])*(xs[k]-xs[j]); tt+=(ys[k]-ys[i])*(ys[k]-ys[j]); tt=tt/dist(xs[k]-xs[i], ys[k]-ys[i]); tt=tt/dist(xs[k]-xs[j], ys[k]-ys[j]); double st=sqrt(1-(tt*tt)); if((tt+eps>0 && st+eps>stheta) || (tt-eps<0 && st-eps<stheta)) {count++;} } } } if(count>answer) answer=count; } } cout << answer << endl; return 0; } |