вернуться в форумIs this answer right for test 1,i.e. the sample? the answer is: 4 11 5 3 2 Is it right?who can help me? No. Read the statement carefully about 'optimal'. Your solution doesn't work for 23, while the sample output does. Re: No. No. If there's 23 spaces. After the first round there's 3. And in the third round they become one. Edited by author 01.11.2004 16:22 You're wrong. For 23: After the first round there are 12 spaces instead of 3. Because 23 means there are 1 space, 2 spaces, 3 spaces... up to 23 spaces, not only 23 spaces. After the first round, 23 becomes 3, but 21 leaves 12. Re: You're wrong. Thank you.I've got ac. |