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Discussion of Problem 1100. Final Standings

I hated this problem :)
Posted by Alex Svetkin [OrelSTU] 17 Oct 2004 20:53
Is there a way to solve this problem with complexity O(N), not O(N*M)? The first way always gets MLE: you need to store list of teams in dynamic array [1..100] which is obviously TLE. Grouping teams in buckets (so using only 1 pointer for ~400 teams) don't help either.
and your solution is..
Posted by thwomass 25 Oct 2004 20:18
And what is your solution for this problem?

Edited by author 25.10.2004 20:19
Re: and your solution is..
Posted by Alex Svetkin [OrelSTU] 3 Nov 2004 02:00
Count sort + I stored scores and IDs in one longint (8 + 24 bits).