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Clarification requestSemm1529. Game of Squares1 окт 2023 23:530  
Great problem!Denis Koshman1478. Спутники-шпионы1 окт 2023 13:224  
If you have problem with test #8Semm1240. Heroes of Might and Magic29 сен 2023 17:420  
That's crazyandreyDagger`~1775. Космический боулинг28 сен 2023 00:350  
WA test5! Help, please!Kate1119. Метро27 сен 2023 14:024  
easy bfs👑TIMOFEY👑1700. Пробуждение26 сен 2023 21:271  
Is there a way to do this problem without large numbers?mihai.alpha1818. Честные рыбаки26 сен 2023 02:180  
Weird optimizations required to AC the problem in Python. Need to increase ML to 128 Mb (-)Vedernikoff 'Goryinyich' Sergey (HSE: АОП)2093. Все дороги ведут в сугроб25 сен 2023 01:121  
If you can tell me the HINT<><>><<>><<><<<Levan Kasradze (GEO)1006. Квадратные рамки24 сен 2023 13:511  
For anyone struggling to read the inputmihai.alpha1006. Квадратные рамки24 сен 2023 02:160  
AC finally, but with an ugly solutionmihai.alpha2042. Никита23 сен 2023 17:230  
AC. segment_tree with brute_forceShen Yang2042. Никита20 сен 2023 20:492  
How it can be solved with disjoint sets???Enigma [UB of TUIT]1003. Чётность19 сен 2023 21:372  
How would you use a heap to solve this problem?mihai.alpha1403. Курьер19 сен 2023 15:420  
Some weird optimizations required to get AC in Python, it makes sense to increase timelimit to 2-3 sec (-)Vedernikoff 'Goryinyich' Sergey (HSE: АОП)2092. Болеро19 сен 2023 03:190  
To Admin: Please update problem statementMickkie2158. Две прогрессии15 сен 2023 00:501  
help (python)quarylaniel2100. Свадебный обед10 сен 2023 19:311  
IdeaInstouT942171. Две прогрессии 28 сен 2023 23:230  
To admins: error in problem statementOtrebus2158. Две прогрессии5 сен 2023 04:251  
Why is newest problems can't reach to 0.001sec solution ? ))coder2158. Две прогрессии5 сен 2023 04:142  

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